Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Story of the Pumpkin Fairy!!

This story begins a little while ago on a cool autumn day. Jewels and I were coming home from our walk...

As we were walking up the pathway to the front door a spot of orange caught our eye. "What is this?" we wondered. There upon a bed of leaves sat the cutest little pumpkin: all orange and round; eagerly looking for a new home. So we gave it one! I lovingly picked it up and carried to the front step to sit with a larger pumpkin I had brought home the day before.

After tucking the little pumpkin in to its new home, Jewels and I headed off to work for the day. Little did we know another little pumpkin would find its way into the garden before the day was out - looking for the friend that got away! "Oh, no!" I thought. "We must also give this poor little pumpkin a home!" So off to the porch to be reunited with its little friend. The little pumpkins snuggled together happily.

The next day, Jewels and myself came home to a third little pumpkin that had lost its way.

"How strange!" I thought and quickly placed our new festive treat with my now growing family of pumpkins. "Hmmm.... I wonder who could be doing this?" So I decided I would try asking around to see where all my pumpkins were coming from. After a few brief interrogations it was finally revealed that I had my very own PUMPKIN FAIRY gifting me with little homeless pumpkins. How delightful! I was also informed by a little birdie that more pumpkin fairy antics were sure to ensue. Sure enough - the very next day my once bare tree was blossoming with colour one day...

And my gardens were decked out in smiling faces another day!

The next day I came home to see that the Pumpkin Fairy had not visited me while I was at slaving away at work < :o) >. Saddened - I went into the house. After a little bit - a mysterious phone came informing me that the Littlest Pumpkin Fairy came today and I was to look under the bushes. So away I went and - there - under the bushes sat the littlest pumpkin yet.

I carefully picked up the littlest pumpkin and brought it in from the cold. It now sits looking out the window to wave at the Pumpkin Fairy during visits. The next surprise visit came in the middle of the night and brightly shone its light onto the rest of the ever growing pumpkin family.

I had also noticed one day that the Pumpkin Fairy had spoke to my pumpkins that day and they much more enjoyed their new home so much that they wanted to explore the gardens and visit the flowers instead of sit on the step. Instead on the step stood a pumpkin so full of life - it glittered happily in its new home.

Two more days followed and two more pumpkins arrived.

My house is adored in pumpkin loveliness because of my Pumpkin Fairy Godmother! Wow -what dedication! I wonder just what will be in store for tomorrow. Hmmm... I can hardly wait! :o)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Still Going...

Well... I have been at it still with the Halloween stuff around here. Making inchies:


Some StampinUp cards at the workshops I go to regularily and even a little witch girl for my altered encyclopedia I do in my spare time:

Been a blast! Now if I can only figure out how to stop tinking of creative things to do while trying to sleep! Hmmm....

Friday, October 2, 2009

Fall has Fallen!

Whew! Been a while. Lots of new and exciting goings on in my household.

We installed new windows (some replacement and some new) in the house. That was a week of truly hard work. I have a new found appreciation for people who do that work professionally! :)

Jewels came upon a bad spell of bad luck. What with an upset tummy, removed toe nail and now bladder stones - she has been keeping us all busy and worried. Poor little girl! She has been quite the trooper through it all and still has the smile the prove it though!

I have been also loading my days with my favourite time of the year: HALLOWEEN! I just can't get enough of it and I have been anxiously doing tons of swaps on Swap-bot. My favs so far have been the ATCs, inchies and handmade ornaments (can you really have too many?) I can't wait to decorate!!! Yeah!

I'm not going to promise to be better at this regular blogging thing (for all you people who have complained - I loves ya!) but, in the immortal words of Bart Simpson - I'll try to try! :)

Monday, August 3, 2009


Halloween is in the midst of my future and I am INCREDIBLY excited about it! It is my absolute favourite time of the year!

In looking forward to it, I have been inspired to make some punkies in celebation. They began a little plain...

And blossomed into little beauties...

I have listed these on both my Etsy and Artfire sites.

I will be making more Halloween based tags in the future and have even been working on a bat style already.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Sugar Skull Love!!!

I have a new obsession! It just sprang upon me when I signed up for a little Day of the Dead ornament swap on Swap-Bot. I decided I was going to try my hand at embroidery.

I made one and fell absolutely in love with it. Then I made 5 more.

I have since posted them on my Etsy (my VERY first posting - Yeah!) It has been a week of firsts for me!! :)

Check out my Etsy store HERE for more info and prices.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Rainy Day Fun!!

The forecast calls for rain but I don't care! I have always wanted to do it and I felt NOW was the best time to do it! SO I did:

ISN"T IT GORGEOUS!?!?!? I know - not the most original idea - but I don't care! I hate my front walk and LOVE colour. So I went to Wally Mart last night - purchased some chaulk - and spent my morning doing this. It is my MAGIC WALK! It even makes little magic sprinkles every where you walk! :)

Jewels stood by and watched her Mommy being crazy. I even got a few strange looks from my neighbours - but I think they are just jealous! :)

And it also goes PERFECTLY with my beautiful stars 'lighting' the path! :D (See don't they look lovely there??)

Monday, June 8, 2009

Wow - Been A While!

I never realized how long exactly I have been ignoring my blog. Funny how time is flying by....

Lots of new and kinda exciting things have happened and changed and occurred in my journey.

Firstly: more journal playtime and fun! I have recently signed up for a Wreck This Journal journey with other artists to create and generally Wreck the journal (see the link to the right --->). I have been keeping up with it in spurts. Little bits at a time. I have decided not to push it but I do carry it around with me in case inspiration strikes (and it has!)

Mostly as a glue book (and that's ok because it is my journal and I will glue if I want to ! :D )

I have also painted a few more altered business cards, read lots of books, bought a new Wii Fit (this is SO fab I can't even begin to tell you - If you don't have one - get one! Now! Go! :)

I also attend a Stampin' Up class hosted by either my friend Sharon or my friend Becca. It is great fun. Check out to find a host in your area and join the workshops! But be warned: it DOES become an addiction! :D

Monday, May 11, 2009

Wow! & Belated Happy Mom Day!

I did not realize it had been quite so long since my last blog update. Where, oh where, does the time go?

So what have I been up to do you ask? Well, I recently made a Mommy Day gift for my mommy and one for my sister also (Hey! Us fur-mommies need loving too!)

9 X 11 Mixed Media on stretched canvas. Papers, gel medium, glitter, confetti, brads, ribbon, scrabble pieces, masking tape, ink, buttons and rhinestones.

This one features my sister on the left, my Mommy in the middle and myself on the right. I now hangs proudly above my Mom's couch in the livingroom.

"Companion" 8 x 10 mixed media on stretched canvas. Papers, gel medium, glitter, confetti, ribbon, masking tape, ink, buttons, muffin cups and rhinestones.

This one features my sisters 3 kitties: Tigger, Fluff & Spaz. Tigger is actually my Venture's Mommy and Spaz is his brother. Check out Venture's cat profile link to the right to see the sort-of resemblance.]

So there we go blog-verse people! I have been doings and goings in my art. I have been also Wrecking This Journal and painting more business cards. More blog updating to come in the near future. Stay tuned! :)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My Day Recently

It has been quite a while since I have visited with you blog people! I'm sorry! I have been making vlogs and Twittering like crazy recently and it has taken up all of my online time.

So what is new in my life? Well, I got a recent order from VistaPrint in and I am in complete LOVE with it all! I now have more postcards, notepads, note cards, posters and magnets to share with you all! I will be posting them to my Etsy site tonight. Check it out here:

As for blog picture love: I went to see the movie 17 Again last night with the girls. OMG - what a fab movie:

Yes - this is why it is a fab movie! :) Now I would suggest to any girl out there to definitely go see this movie - but I would also suggest you leave the guys at home. It is good for some laughs and quite the sweet romantic comedy overall - but who am I kidding? This isn't why I went to see it! :)

For those of you who want to see what I have been up to check out my YouTube channel for my not-so-daily vlogs!

Above all - enjoy this beautiful weather and all the views it affords! :)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

CafePress & Stuff

I have recently decided to expand my online journies to include CafePress! I am excited to offer my art on a variety of different products. So thrilling! CHECK IT OUT:

As to my art - well - I seem to still be at an impasse. Things around the house have been taking a priority over my art. Still having a little struggle with the inspiration and the motivation to begin.

I will keep working on it! Soon I will be back in the swing of things!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

I've Been Bad

Here I go again neglecting my poor little blog. I have been doing some art and even purchased a little something for fun:

I am terribly excited about this and have jumped in with both feeties! My sister was even having a bad day last night due to a furbaby illness and so I let her drive over my book 3 times so we could get a good picture ans she could relieve some tension! It worked wonders - she began smiling immediately. My goal is to do at least one page a day. I will not worry if I miss a day though. It is supposed to be about fun! Today's contribution (2 of them!) included ripping a page up and then gluing and taping it back down to the following page.

Beyond the book I have been keeping busy making stretched canvas backgrounds for future artworks and mixed media creations. I am having a blast making these and really enjoy the free flow and messiness involved in their birth.

So much fun!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Queen Jewels!

I have been slowly tinkering with a new painting for awhile now. Despite all my best efforts (ok, maybe they were a little half-fast!)- I have still been going slow on any new pieces of any sort. Last night my inspiration struck again and *poof* a new piece was born.

It began as a simple creative jump-start attempt you all may remember from a previous post:

The purple canvas. At the time I had no idea what I even wanted to do with it. After leaving it be for a while I realized it was too purple and needed something. This was born:

Still nothing was coming to me. Then - I would love to add "in a dream" - but this just isn't true - movies just get your hopes up for things, huh? :) - an idea finally came to me. Inspiration struck and I was on my way with nothing going to stop me.

"Queen" 8x10 stretched canvas. Mixed media: papers, gel medium, confetti, stamps, ink, acrylics, button, thread, fabric flower, glitter & masking tape.

I LOVE the results. This is hands down one of my fav pieces so far. It has so much detail that the photos do not do it justice (in fact they don't really impress me - I should try to take them again.) This is one for my permanent collection. One I will never let go. Replicate - maybe! Take cues from - definitely!

My very own piece of art with all of my furbabies in one! :)

So my overall suggestion to all you fledgling artists, tinkerers or just creative folks who are in a rut - pull out all your supplies and just start somewhere - it will come to you - even if it takes a few weeks! You never know - it may be your great masterpiece! :)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Mail Love!

Ever since I was a little girl I have always LOVED receiving mail. It didn't really matter what kind of mail (yes, I am probably one of the only people who loves to get bills in the mail!) It used to sadden me when i got no mail, so my Mom used to mail my birthday cards to me so I would have somethign to open. This was the most exciting thing to me. :0)

Now that I am older, my love of all things mail related has not changed. I have joined a variety of mailing websites and groups just so my mailbox is never empty. My husband doesn't even bother to look in the mailbox anymore due to my obsession! :0) Soem of the frequent sites I haunt for my mail fix are: and Both are completely free and brimming with mail loveliness! Check em out!

Recently, I sent out for refills on my blog note pads, postcards and mailing labels from

It is always so very exciting when new product comes in - all shiny and clean! Their edges always so perfectly crisp and aligned!

I'm sure I am not the only one out there with a mail fetish. I say join all the sites you can and get your daily fix in your mail box! If only they still delivered the mail on the weekends! *SIGH* :0)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Swapping Fun!

So I am currently participating in a blog exchange swap on swap-bot. Part of the swap suggestions were to post about the on goings in my swap-bot world and to mention my current fav swap. So here goes:

I would have to say the Picture Perfect Pets swap is hands down my fav at the moment. I mean a swap completely designed so I can brag about my furbabies? How much better can you get!! I am a PROUD furbaby mommy and love any moment I can get to talk about and share stories about them. There was even a little questionnaire I filled out for all of them. My recent swap-bot goings have mostly been questionnaires so it is perfectly up my alley!

Check out my Picture Perfect Pets answers:

My pet goes by the name of... Jewels
The little furball was born on... 9 years ago. She is a rescue. This is the estimate I got when I rescued her.
And I got her from... The street. She was running wild. She had tags on and my sister traced them to find out her owner had passed and her new owner took one look at her and said he'd never seen her before. Grrr... He was not a nice man.
When I saw my pet for the first time I thought... She is tiny and adorable. I just loved her. She was snuggled on the couch with my Mom.
You can wake her in the middle of the night for... anything. She loves cuddles and food.
And the best way to treat my pet is with... food and walks. She is a walking belly! :)
If my pet was circus pet, her bestselling trick would be... She shakes a paw (both), rolls over and dances so you choose!
The worst thing my pet has ever done was... She is not very well socialized. I have worked hard to train it out of her, but she still charges and nips at other dogs.
and on top of that she even ate my... She has never eaten anything she wasn't supposed to. I can even leave my dinner beside her and she won't touch it because I haven't given her permission.
The cutest thing however, was that one time my pet.. After everytime she chews on a chewy, she rolls and snuffles at the couch and spins and makes a fool of herself. it is so cute! I think she is wiping off her face on my couch! :)
Things my pet really, really dislikes are... men, strangers, new dogs, loud noises, quick movements and cats. She truly is a sensitive soul.
When hearing an ambulance or any sirens at all, my pet acts... Depends on where she is. In the car or house: doesn't care. Walking on the street: frightened due to the noises.
I tried to dress my pet with a little jacket, and... She wears a jacket most of the year. She has a winter coat, long johns, tshirt for warmer days, rain coat for rain, booties for snow, and even a little fancy shawl for dressing up! :) She will sit there and wait for you to dress her.
The most recognizable feature of my pet is... Her eyes. They are huge and bug out. That's why her knickname is Buggie! :)
and I absolutely LOVE my pet because... She is the sweetest little thing you will ever meet. She looks at you with those big brown eyes and you fall in love. She is the master at the cute puppy dog eyes thing! :)

My pet goes by the name of... Venture
The little furball was born on... May 2001.
And I got him from... His mom. She gave birth to him at the end of my bed.
When I saw my pet for the first time I thought... He was so tiny and sweet. He was born with 4 siblings. So tiny and mewing.
You can wake him in the middle of the night for... anything.
And the best way to treat my pet is with... food and cuddles. He loves to play also.
If my pet was circus pet, his bestselling trick would be... Sneaking into places he isn't supposed to be before you can stop him. Hence the name Venture! :)
The worst thing my pet has ever done was... Scratched the furniture or the carpeted stairs to pieces.
And on top of that he even ate my... He will eat anything dairy you leave anywhere. He is quite sneaky and usually can do it before you realize he is there.
The cutest thing however, was that one time my pet.. He was the first of the kittens to make it on the bed and over the dog gate into the rest of the house.
Things my pet really, really dislikes are... water & getting his nails cut
When hearing an ambulance or any sirens at all, my pet acts... Doesn't care.
I tried to dress my pet with a little jacket, and... Yeah, ok! :) He so would not let me put a coat on him!
The most recognizable feature of my pet is... His purr! He is always purring and happy.
and I absolutely LOVE my pet because... He is so very sweet and cuddily, he makes me laugh and loves me unconditionally.

My pet goes by the name of... Kazie The little furball was born on... About 5 years ago. He is a rescue also. This is the estimate I got from the vet.
And I got him from... A co-worker. He followed her home and she couldn't keep him, so I took him.
When I saw my pet for the first time I thought... He was a girl. He was scared and in a crate.
You can wake him in the middle of the night for... anything. He loves cuddles and food.
And the best way to treat my pet is with... food, cuddles & liver treats.
If my pet was circus pet, his bestselling trick would be... When he jumps in your lap he does this suction thing where he makes it hard to push him off. And he doesn't use his nails!
The worst thing my pet has ever done was... Every morning he wakes us up to tell us he is hungry. He is quite persistent and frustrating!
and on top of that she even ate my... He will eat any food you leave out and you don't watch.
The cutest thing however, was that one time my pet.. He is a face smusher. He crawls up your chest and smushes your forehead or nose with his nose. :)
Things my pet really, really dislikes are... Being squirted with a water bottle because he did something wrong.
When hearing an ambulance or any sirens at all, my pet acts... Doesn't do anything. He doesn't care.
I tried to dress my pet with a little jacket, and... I never tried but he doesn't stand still for anything like that.
The most recognizable feature of my pet is... He is pure black with a white little belly.
and I absolutely LOVE my pet because... He is super cuddily. It makes it hard to not love him. Even when he has been a pain in the butt! :)

My pet goes by the name of... Wickett The little furball was born on... 11-12 years ago, I think? He is a rescue (seeing a pattern? :)
And I got him from... An old room mate needed to find somewhere for him to live after her daughter was allergic to him. She called and I took him.
When I saw my pet for the first time I thought... He is very handsome. He is a maine coon and is just a ball of fluff.
You can wake him in the middle of the night for... anything. He loves cuddles and food.
And the best way to treat my pet is with... Cuddles and food. He just adores to sleep on your lap and purr.
If my pet was circus pet, her bestselling trick would be... Sleeping in extremely odd and unique positions. He fits himself in anywhere.
The worst thing my pet has ever done was... He gets territorial when I bring a new pet home and he pees on the carpets and anything soft on the floor.
and on top of that he even ate my... He is older and doesn't jump well so he usually doesn't eat anything out of the ordinary.
The cutest thing however, was that one time my pet.. As soon as he comes within contact with you he starts to purr.
Things my pet really, really dislikes are... new things (such as pets) & dogs.
When hearing an ambulance or any sirens at all, my pet acts... Nothing. He doesn't care.
I tried to dress my pet with a little jacket, and... He will just sit there and let you do what you want.
The most recognizable feature of my pet is... His purr. It is truly loud and so nice to hear!
and I absolutely LOVE my pet because... He is a gentle giant who loves everyone and loves a good lap to sleep in.

My pet goes by the name of... Rose The little furball was born on...No idea. She is a rescue and my vet couldn't even estimate what her age could have been. I have had her for 3 years now though.
And I got her from... The hallway outside my apartment 2 days before New Years. She was scared and curled into a corner, so I took her home.
When I saw my pet for the first time I thought... She was scared and beautiful.
You can wake her in the middle of the night for... not much. Maybe a cuddle.
And the best way to treat my pet is with... food and a nice place to sleep where she doesn't get beat up by the boys.
If my pet was circus pet, her bestselling trick would be... She stands in the kitchen waiting for you to drop anything and then scoops it up quick. Like a little kitty vaccuum! :)
The worst thing my pet has ever done was... She absolutely hates the other cats. She hisses, growls and swats at them if they are close to her.
and on top of that she even ate my... She eats everything she can manage. You have to be quite careful when she is around.
The cutest thing however, was that one time my pet.. She is the tiniest kitty we have and almost has this permanent kitten look to her. So cute! She also sleeps on my chest at night.
Things my pet really, really dislikes are... Other cats and water bottles.
When hearing an ambulance or any sirens at all, my pet acts... the same. Doesn't phase her.
I tried to dress my pet with a little jacket, and... Yeah, ok! I would only try this if I had a death wish! I don't even cut her nails or bathe her! :)
The most recognizable feature of my pet is... She is pretty much all grey except her white feeties and white 'Hitler' like moustache!
and I absolutely LOVE my pet because... She really is a pretty little girl with a big heart and loves to be cuddled.

You can catch more of my furbabies on my flickr site: HERE or on my YouTube.